Boost Your Easter Sales

February 15, 2021

Easter is another holiday opportunity for marketers to rake in a lot of sales on their products. It is a yearly tradition for people to shop for their Easter celebrations, whether it’s new dresses for Sunday or the best turkey for dinner, or even some new pair of shoes. There is always going to be someone buying something to make their Easter celebration a little bit interesting. 

The season is almost here and it will be the first Easter since the Corona Virus Pandemic and a lot has changed. Customers will most likely not be queuing outside of malls or shops this year to get their Easter items but will most likely be ordering these things from the comfort of their homes. This is a perfect opportunity to beef up your digital marketing and boost up your Easter sales. 

In the spirit of Easter here are some digital marketing tips that can help you boost sales and beat competitors in the Easter period:

Discount Discount Discount

One of the best marketing strategies you can adopt during Easter is the offering of special discounts on your products. Discounts like these don’t come every day and everyone loves a good discount. Discounts are what will set you apart from competitors as people will be looking to shop with businesses with lower prices. 

When offering discounts, you don’t have to offer them on all your products but on some specific products like things customers will most likely need during the holiday. Identifying these items and offering discounts on them will see your sales boost up drastically.

Promote Your Offers on Social Media

Creating offers and discounts is a great idea, but it is not a complete idea if no one gets to see them. The best place to promote your products in this post-pandemic era is social media. Everyone is on social media these days, people who are at work will spend a few minutes of their day checking their newsfeed, and people who are home for the holidays will spend even more time on social media and will see your products if you promote them on there.

Think outside the box with discount offers and creative ads and give yourself an edge.

Make Use of Easter Hashtags

This is one of the best ways to successfully promote your products on social media. Making use of social media hashtags like #easter, #eastereggs, and other holiday hashtags will help to trend your products. People who follow these hashtags or search for them can easily find your products.

Optimize your Products with better SEO

Optimizing your website for SEO will be good for the holidays. You can optimize your products to show up on searches for Easter promos and Easter discounts. You could also write blog posts as to why the customer needs these products and optimize them for Google. This is one of the best ways to market your products, customers who are confused about what to get will most likely search for answers on google and when they do, they will find your blog posts which will lead them to your products, or they might find your products directly.

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